[BREAKING] [Overall] I file a complaint against Yoo OO, a former college soccer player who had an affair with my wife, the head of Dongtan Pilates O Amusement Park, two years ago.
13 November Share
[BREAKING] [Overall] I file a complaint against Yoo OO, a former college soccer player who had an affair with my wife, the head of Dongtan Pilates O Amusement Park, two years ago.
[综合] 告发2年前与东滩普拉提O刘院长妻子发生婚外情的大学足球选手出身的刘OO。
[Комплекс] Два года назад я обвиняю бывшего футболиста университета ЮО, который совершил роман с моей женой, директором Восточного Филатеса ОЮ.
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