[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Starting November 15th, military discharge control... Strong opposition from soldiers who are about to be discharged from the military...
14 November Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Starting November 15th, military discharge control... Strong opposition from soldiers who are about to be discharged from the military...
【速報】11月15日から軍人の除隊を統制… 除隊を控えた軍人の激しい反発が相次ぎ…
[速报] 从11月15日开始军人退伍... 退伍在即,军人们的强烈反对声此起彼伏。
[Позже] С 15 ноября военный контроль над всей территорией. Это вызвало сильную реакцию солдат перед отправкой в отставку...
「[Breaking news] Starting November 15th, military discharge control... Strong opposition from soldiers who are about to be discharged from the military...」