[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Nuve Pictures went bankrupt... There is a shocking official position that there is no longer a series of Zolaman cartoons. The Zolaman cartoon ended with the eighth episode of Zolaman pooping in the playground. He's looking for a cartoon history to follow.
23 November Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Nuve Pictures went bankrupt... There is a shocking official position that there is no longer a series of Zolaman cartoons. The Zolaman cartoon ended with the eighth episode of Zolaman pooping in the playground. He's looking for a cartoon history to follow.
Банкротство Nube Pictures... Шокирующая официальная позиция о том, что мы больше не можем публиковать комиксы Золамана. Мультфильм "Zolaman" был закрыт в восьмом эпизоде "Zolaman", который держит дерьмо на игровой площадке. Говорят, что он ищет комикс, который последует за ним.