[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Ministry of Unification & Sejong City's new railroad police officer, Kim, said he was on a business trip, but suddenly defected to North Korea.
25 November Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Ministry of Unification & Sejong City's new railroad police officer, Kim, said he was on a business trip, but suddenly defected to North Korea.
Министерство объединения «Поскольку новый чиновник железнодорожной полиции Седжона Ким Мо отправился в командировку, он неожиданно узнал о ситуации с Северной Корее».
「[Breaking news] Ministry of Unification & Sejong City's new railroad police officer, Kim, said he was on a business trip, but suddenly defected to North Korea.」
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