[BREAKING] [Breaking news] YouTuber Kang. He has been found to be the perpetrator of the school violence, which is causing a great shock.In addition, Mr. Kang hit his younger brother and broke down another person's bed, interrupting the victim's rest, and brutally killing the victim.
27 November Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] YouTuber Kang. He has been found to be the perpetrator of the school violence, which is causing a great shock.In addition, Mr. Kang hit his younger brother and broke down another person's bed, interrupting the victim's rest, and brutally killing the victim.
Мистер Канмо, YouTuber. Оказывается, что он является виновником школьного насилия, и это вызывает большой шок.Кроме того, Канмо в прямом эфире показывал сцены избиения своего брата, разбивания чужих кроватей, мешающих отдыху жертвы и жестокого убийства жертвы.