[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Police officer A chased the thief and disappeared.Police C, who was still chasing a thief without being seen, called another police officer because the thief was so fast, but in the meantime, A, who was chasing the thief, disappeared.
4 December Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Police officer A chased the thief and disappeared.Police C, who was still chasing a thief without being seen, called another police officer because the thief was so fast, but in the meantime, A, who was chasing the thief, disappeared.
В настоящее время полицейский мистер А преследует одного за вором, и пропадает.Полицейский С, который до сих пор не видел воров и преследовал их вместе, сказал, что вор был настолько быстрым, что он позвал других полицейских, и в то же время мистер А, который преследовал воров, исчез.