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[BREAKING] [NEWS] In Seoul, a turtle with a Korna strain turned into a mysterious creature.

12 December Share

[BREAKING] [NEWS] In Seoul, a turtle with a Korna strain turned into a mysterious creature.


[NEWS] 在首尔患上科尔纳变种的乌龟变成了怪生命体

[NewS] Черепаха, которая получила штамм Корны в Сеуле, превратилась в чудовищную жизнь.

[NEWS] 서울에서 코르나 변종을 걸리게 된 거북이가 괴생명체로 변신했다 [More News]

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[2] ⫬ㅋ⫬ㅋ⫬ㅋ⫬ㅋ 다연아 너무 티나는데? 15 December
[1] 야 채다연 가짠거 누구나 알겠다ㅋ 12 December

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