[BREAKING] [Breaking news] South Korea's President Moon Jae In... Moon Jae In... Enforcement of mandatory joint homework on December 27th... If you refuse, you will be fined less than 40 million won.
27 December Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] South Korea's President Moon Jae In... Moon Jae In... Enforcement of mandatory joint homework on December 27th... If you refuse, you will be fined less than 40 million won.
【速報】大韓民国大統領文在寅… 12月27日義務合宿制施行… ●拒否時、罰金4000万ウォン以下
[速报]韩国总统文在寅…… 12月27日实行义务集训制… 拒绝罚款4000万韩元以下
Президент Республики Корея Муна... 27 декабря была введена обязательная совместная система... Штраф менее 40 миллионов вон за отказ
「[Breaking news] South Korea's President Moon Jae In... Moon Jae In... Enforcement of mandatory joint homework on December 27th... If you refuse, you will be fined less than 40 million won.」