[BREAKING] [NEWS] The Ministry of Education and faculty members need to regulate luxury goods worth more than 500,000 won. The KTU. I can't believe it.
10 January Share
[BREAKING] [NEWS] The Ministry of Education and faculty members need to regulate luxury goods worth more than 500,000 won. The KTU. I can't believe it.
[NEWS]教育部、教職員50万ウォン以上のブランド品規制… 全教組"信じられない"
[NEWS] 教育部规定教职员工50万韩元以上名牌... 全教工 "难以置信"
[NewS] Министерство образования регулирует предметы роскоши более 500 000 вон для преподавателей... "Я не могу поверить", - Я не могу поверить.