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[BREAKING] [Breaking news] COVID-19 is getting worse. 48% of the population is shocked.

22 January Share

[BREAKING] [Breaking news] COVID-19 is getting worse. 48% of the population is shocked.


[速报] 新冠肺炎加重 48%的人口患上新冠肺炎 人们惊讶不已

[Быстрый] Корона усиливается, и 48% населения попадает в корону, и люди удивляются.

[속보] 코로나 심해져 인구에 48프로가 코로나 걸려 사람들 경악 [More News]

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「[Breaking news] COVID-19 is getting worse. 48% of the population is shocked.」

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