[BREAKING] [Breaking news] It's related to COVID-19 and anti-mint chocolate lovers. Scientists have found that the anti-mint chocolate group has a double chance of getting COVID-19 and a 10-fold chance of spreading it. Just as mint can prevent diseases such as colds and flu, it is faithful to preventing COVID-19. Kim A, who had COVID-19, said that as soon as he ate mint chocolate, 50% of the coronavirus disappeared from his body within a second and 10 seconds later.
23 January Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] It's related to COVID-19 and anti-mint chocolate lovers. Scientists have found that the anti-mint chocolate group has a double chance of getting COVID-19 and a 10-fold chance of spreading it. Just as mint can prevent diseases such as colds and flu, it is faithful to preventing COVID-19. Kim A, who had COVID-19, said that as soon as he ate mint chocolate, 50% of the coronavirus disappeared from his body within a second and 10 seconds later.
Это связано с Короной, антидемократическими инициативами. Как выяснили ученые, антиминценаты имеют двойную вероятность заболевания короной и в 10 раз большую вероятность распространения. Минт говорит, что он верен предотвращению короны, так же как он может предотвратить заболевания, такие как простуда и грипп. Господин Ким А, который попал в корону, говорит, что корона Вийрус исчезла через 50 % и 10 секунд после того, как съел минчоусы.
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