[BREAKING] [Breaking news] A ban on gathering more than one North Korean version of the vaccine pass will be enforced. In addition to the controversy, Kim Jong-un said, "Who made a coughing sound?" and told me to say the will of the Nalenale with a gun. Linmin: I...I can't believe I caught a cold!
23 January Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] A ban on gathering more than one North Korean version of the vaccine pass will be enforced. In addition to the controversy, Kim Jong-un said, "Who made a coughing sound?" and told me to say the will of the Nalenale with a gun. Linmin: I...I can't believe I caught a cold!
[Скорость] Запрет на сбор более чем одного пасса вакцины северокорейской версии... Не только споры, но и когда Ким Чен ын кашляет один раз, он говорит: «Кто кашлял?» и говорит о своем завещании, что он стрелял, так что я простудился: Я...Я простудился!
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