[BREAKING] [Breaking news] A recent survey of a 10-year-old student... (G)I-DLE's shocking remarks... In a recent survey of 10-year-old children conducted by SKS, all children answered the same. When asked by the researcher if any of the friends around him were strange, the children all gathered their mouths and shouted the name Kangnaru.
28 January Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] A recent survey of a 10-year-old student... (G)I-DLE's shocking remarks... In a recent survey of 10-year-old children conducted by SKS, all children answered the same. When asked by the researcher if any of the friends around him were strange, the children all gathered their mouths and shouted the name Kangnaru.
[Быстрое] Недавнее исследование 10-летнего студента... Шокирующие высказывания детей... В недавнем опросе, проведенном SKS для детей в возрасте 10 лет, все дети ответили одинаково. На вопрос исследователя, есть ли у них странные друзья, дети объединились и кричали: «Кангнару».
「 최근 10살 학생을 상대로 한 조사.. 아이들의 충격적 발언.. 최근 SKS에서 만 10세 아이들을 대상으로 진행한 설문조사에서 아이들은 모두 동일한 대답을 하였다. 주변 친구들중 이상한 친구가 있냐는 연구원의 질문에 아이들은 하나같이 머두 입을 모아 '강나루'라는 이름을 외쳤다」