[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Today, Na Jung Won was judged to be a fool. I, who wrote this article, left a will to Na Jungwon. Feed the person who killed me a bean rice 10 years later + Seyoung, who's going to kill me.
28 January Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Today, Na Jung Won was judged to be a fool. I, who wrote this article, left a will to Na Jungwon. Feed the person who killed me a bean rice 10 years later + Seyoung, who's going to kill me.
Сегодня было решено, что Наджонвон дурак. Я написала эту статью, оставив завещание, что умру от него. 10 лет спустя, когда я убил человека, который кормил меня бобовым бобом, я вижу его и на гамбурге.
「[Breaking news] Today, Na Jung Won was judged to be a fool. I, who wrote this article, left a will to Na Jungwon. Feed the person who killed me a bean rice 10 years later + Seyoung, who's going to kill me.」