[BREAKING] [Breaking News] It is estimated that there was an aerial collision with a Korean Air plane from Incheon to Seattle and an Alaska aircraft near Alaska. U.S. authorities start searching...
5 February Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] It is estimated that there was an aerial collision with a Korean Air plane from Incheon to Seattle and an Alaska aircraft near Alaska. U.S. authorities start searching...
Предполагается, что самолет Korean Air, направлявшийся в Сиэтл из Инчхона, столкнулся с самолётом Аляски недалеко от Аляски. Начать поиски у властей США...
「[Breaking News] It is estimated that there was an aerial collision with a Korean Air plane from Incheon to Seattle and an Alaska aircraft near Alaska. U.S. authorities start searching...」