[BREAKING] [Breaking news] China is permanently disqualified as an IOC member. Cheating that I can't see anymore... I don't have the right to participate in the Chinese Olympics..."
8 February Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] China is permanently disqualified as an IOC member. Cheating that I can't see anymore... I don't have the right to participate in the Chinese Olympics..."
【速報】中国、IOC会員資格を永久剥奪 これ以上手加減できない不正行為、中国五輪参加資格はない」。
[速报] 永久剥夺中国,IOC会员资格... 再也不能容忍的作弊行为,没有资格参加中国奥运会。"
[Быстрый доклад] Китай, постоянное лишение членства в МОК. Я больше не могу видеть мошенничество, я не могу принять участие в Олимпийских играх в Китае."