[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The dog rebelled against its owner... Lee Gae rebelled against the owner who broke him with a picture of his cell phone and became a princess. Mr. Lee: He threatened the owner who broke me. The owner's appearance was terrible.I did it.
12 February Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The dog rebelled against its owner... Lee Gae rebelled against the owner who broke him with a picture of his cell phone and became a princess. Mr. Lee: He threatened the owner who broke me. The owner's appearance was terrible.I did it.
Восстание собаки против хозяина... Эта собака восстала против хозяина, который испортил ее с помощью рисунка мобильного телефона, и стала принцессой. Мистер Ли: Я угрожал хозяину, который меня разрушил. Образ хозяина был ужасным.С.
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