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[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Assistant Jeongyang from Parkchigi's agency is missing at 2 o'clock today.

14 February Share

[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Assistant Jeongyang from Parkchigi's agency is missing at 2 o'clock today.


[速报] 撞人所属公司成员 曹秀晶 今天2点左右行踪不明

Сегодня около 2 часов утра, член агентства Bakchi, пропал без вести.

[속보] 박치기 소속사 멤버 조수정양 오늘 2시경 행방불명 [More News]

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「[Breaking news] Assistant Jeongyang from Parkchigi's agency is missing at 2 o'clock today.」

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