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[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Chinese commentator Wang Meng opened his eyes and said Co Beijing?

16 February Share

[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Chinese commentator Wang Meng opened his eyes and said Co Beijing?


[快讯] 中国解说员王蒙解说时,睁开眼睛说"鼻子北京"?

В комментариях к китайскому комментатору Ван Мун, вы говорите, что это Пекин?

[속보] 중국 해설의원 왕멍 해설하면서 눈뜨고 코 베이징이라고 발언? [More News]

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There are 2 comments in total
[2] 15빡에 안 속았네 17 February
[1] 에잇 나만 속았어 16 February

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