[BREAKING] [NEWS] Candidate No. 6 Lee Je-myung and Yoon Shuk-yeol felt inferior to each other, so they planned to explode the Hot Management Sky Palace. Hot management flew up at once with the superpowerful technology of levitating and hugged 50 million people. As a result, the Hot Management Candidate opened the Hot Management Expressway with his arm extended to 823km long. (20220223)
23 February Share
[BREAKING] [NEWS] Candidate No. 6 Lee Je-myung and Yoon Shuk-yeol felt inferior to each other, so they planned to explode the Hot Management Sky Palace. Hot management flew up at once with the superpowerful technology of levitating and hugged 50 million people. As a result, the Hot Management Candidate opened the Hot Management Expressway with his arm extended to 823km long. (20220223)
[NewS] 57,9 % голосов избирателей и кандидатов от Юн Шик, которые чувствовали себя неполноценными, разработали план взрыва дворца управления. Управление Huo поднялось в воздух с помощью сверхспособных технологий воздушного стимулирования и обняло 50 миллионов людей. В результате, кандидат в президенты от управления увеличил длину руки до 823 км, открыв скоростную автомагистраль. (20220223)