[BREAKING] [Breaking News] The U.S.-Russian war broke out, the decision to participate in the U.S., and the government issued an executive order for the 31-year-old reserve forces.
24 February Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] The U.S.-Russian war broke out, the decision to participate in the U.S., and the government issued an executive order for the 31-year-old reserve forces.
Начало украинско-российской войны, решение США о вступлении в войну, и инициирование административного приказа правительства «призывать 31-летнюю резервную армию».
「[Breaking News] The U.S.-Russian war broke out, the decision to participate in the U.S., and the government issued an executive order for the 31-year-old reserve forces.」
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