[BREAKING] [Breaking news] ONBIT Elementary School student found a diamond. ONBIT Elementary School ○○ Interview. Do you know how to make gifs? I'm going to give you a rock, but if you dig something blue and a big stone? Something like that came out. At first, the members. To play with this, I just called it a diamond and said that the stone was a relic. But I really wanted to call NASA, so my nickname was So ○○, but my profile picture was a NASA person, and the stone was a meteorite.
11 March Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] ONBIT Elementary School student found a diamond. ONBIT Elementary School ○○ Interview. Do you know how to make gifs? I'm going to give you a rock, but if you dig something blue and a big stone? Something like that came out. At first, the members. To play with this, I just called it a diamond and said that the stone was a relic. But I really wanted to call NASA, so my nickname was So ○○, but my profile picture was a NASA person, and the stone was a meteorite.
[Позже] Ученик Онбитчо Даймонд... ○○ Интервью «Вы знаете, что сделали? Сначала я погуляю камень, а что-то голубое и что-то в земле, Большой камень? Это получилось. Сначала дети. Чтобы поиграть с ним, Дайамондра и камень были реликвиями, но я хотел позвонить в НАСА, поэтому я хотел позвонить мне по имени Со ○○, и Пса написал мне, что камень был настоящим метеоритом!