[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Netflix in the U.S. is expected to stop communicating with Netflix in the U.S. Netflix has been suspended since March 16, and users are complaining. Reporter Jin Hye-sun
12 March Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Netflix in the U.S. is expected to stop communicating with Netflix in the U.S. Netflix has been suspended since March 16, and users are complaining. Reporter Jin Hye-sun
В США Netflix, прекративший корейскую Netflix, предсказал, что она больше не будет общаться с Кореей. С 16 марта Netflix прекращается, и пользователи выражают недовольство.Репортер Чин Хе Сун
「[Breaking News] Netflix in the U.S. is expected to stop communicating with Netflix in the U.S. Netflix has been suspended since March 16, and users are complaining. Reporter Jin Hye-sun」