[BREAKING] [Breaking news] North Korea, Daejeon Metropolitan City and Seoul Metropolitan City are allowed to launch nuclear weapons. 20 minutes later, Chungju sad is on alert.
21 March Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] North Korea, Daejeon Metropolitan City and Seoul Metropolitan City are allowed to launch nuclear weapons. 20 minutes later, Chungju sad is on alert.
【速報】北朝鮮、大田広域市とソウル特別市に核開発許可。 ●20分後に到達…忠州サード緊急発動
【快讯】朝鲜、大田广域市和首尔特别市的核发射许可。 20分钟后抵达忠州,紧急启动萨德系统
Разрешение на запуск ядерного оружия в Северной Корее, Тэджон и специальном городе Сеул. Экстренная активация Чхунджусада, достигнутая через 20 минут
「[Breaking news] North Korea, Daejeon Metropolitan City and Seoul Metropolitan City are allowed to launch nuclear weapons. 20 minutes later, Chungju sad is on alert.」