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[BREAKING] [Breaking news] There was a fire in the apartment and fortunately, there were no casualties...

29 March Share

[BREAKING] [Breaking news] There was a fire in the apartment and fortunately, there were no casualties...


[速报] 幸好公寓没有起火造成人员伤亡...

[Скорость] Пожар в квартире, к счастью, нет человеческих жертв...

[속보] 아파트에 불이나 다행히 인명피해는 없어.... [More News]

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「[Breaking news] There was a fire in the apartment and fortunately, there were no casualties...」

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[1] ⫬ㅋ⫬ㅋ⫬ㅋ 29 March

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