[BREAKING] [Breaking News] President Robert of multinational pharmaceutical company Gsk confirmed delta cron, which caused controversy due to last year's vaccine crisis, and authorities are nervous as only three people were confirmed to be infected in Korea.On the other hand, President Robert has held meetings and visits with executives and employees even though he knows that it has been confirmed, and there are a number of cases of damage among employees, which is regrettable around him.If confirmed, Robert will be charged with violating the Disease Control Act.
31 March Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] President Robert of multinational pharmaceutical company Gsk confirmed delta cron, which caused controversy due to last year's vaccine crisis, and authorities are nervous as only three people were confirmed to be infected in Korea.On the other hand, President Robert has held meetings and visits with executives and employees even though he knows that it has been confirmed, and there are a number of cases of damage among employees, which is regrettable around him.If confirmed, Robert will be charged with violating the Disease Control Act.
В прошлом году в стране было обнаружено всего три человека, которые были инфицированы в дельтакро, редкий вариант президента gsk Robert.Тем временем, президент Роберт, узнав о подтвержденном факте, посещает встречи с руководителями и сотрудниками и сопровождает их, что вызывает сожаление окружающих.Если подтвердится соответствующая информация, мы собираемся арестовать президента Роберта по обвинению в нарушении Закона о борьбе с болезнями.
「[Breaking News] President Robert of multinational pharmaceutical company Gsk confirmed delta cron, which caused controversy due to last year's vaccine crisis, and authorities are nervous as only three people were confirmed to be infected in Korea.On the other hand, President Robert has held meetings and visits with executives and employees even though he knows that it has been confirmed, and there are a number of cases of damage among employees, which is regrettable around him.If confirmed, Robert will be charged with violating the Disease Control Act.」