[BREAKING] [Breaking news] An assistant teacher at the University of Toronto... Even in the apology, the students said they were insincere and asked to leave...
1 April Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] An assistant teacher at the University of Toronto... Even in the apology, the students said they were insincere and asked to leave...
【速報】トロント大学の補助教師… 謝罪文にも学生たちは誠意がないと言って退出要求してる。
[速报] 多伦多大学辅助教师... 学生们在道歉信中也没有诚意,要求退出……
Помощник преподавателя университета ТоронТоронто... Даже в извинениях студенты требуют выселения, сказав, что не имеют фамилии...
「[Breaking news] An assistant teacher at the University of Toronto... Even in the apology, the students said they were insincere and asked to leave...」
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