[BREAKING] [Exclusive] X artillery brigade under the command of the 6th Legion, and a bunch of soldiers are also hidden from COVID-19... large-wavelength projection
1 April Share
[BREAKING] [Exclusive] X artillery brigade under the command of the 6th Legion, and a bunch of soldiers are also hidden from COVID-19... large-wavelength projection
【単独】6軍団直轄のX砲兵旅団、兵士の集団コロナ確診にも事実を隠す… 大きな波長予想
[单独] 6军团直属的X炮兵旅,大量士兵在确诊新冠肺炎中也隐瞒事实... 大波预测
[Только] На самом деле скрывается от 6-й артиллерийской бригады и подтверждения короны солдат... Ожидание большой волны
「[Exclusive] X artillery brigade under the command of the 6th Legion, and a bunch of soldiers are also hidden from COVID-19... large-wavelength projection」
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