[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Lost Ark crisis. We are going to raise the resentment of users who are scheduled to be discontinued due to the company's bankruptcy...
1 April Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Lost Ark crisis. We are going to raise the resentment of users who are scheduled to be discontinued due to the company's bankruptcy...
[速報] ロストアークの危機. 会社倒産によりサービス中止予定ユーザーたちの恨みを高く買うと...
[速报] Lost Ark的危机. 因公司破产预定停止服务的用户们会怨声载道...
Кризис Lost Ark.Из-за банкротства компании, пользователи, которые должны прекратить обслуживание...