[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Seongnam Foreign Language High School's entrance examination corruption investigation. We are currently considering canceling the admission of the second grade.
1 April Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Seongnam Foreign Language High School's entrance examination corruption investigation. We are currently considering canceling the admission of the second grade.
[速報]城南外国語高校の入試不正で家宅捜索。 ●現在、2年生の入学取り消しを検討中
[速报] 城南外国语高中因入学考试腐败被扣押搜查。 目前正在讨论取消2年级入学的方案
[Быстрое сообщение] Обыск по обвинению в поступлении в внешнюю школу Соннам. В настоящее время рассматривается отмена поступлений во второй класс.