[BREAKING] [Breaking news] We'll get 10% extra points for taking notes from a bachelor's officer in police and firefighting. I'm also considering exemption from interviews... The government will appreciate the appointment of experienced military officials in the future."
1 April Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] We'll get 10% extra points for taking notes from a bachelor's officer in police and firefighting. I'm also considering exemption from interviews... The government will appreciate the appointment of experienced military officials in the future."
[Быстрое сообщение] 10% сданных кандидатов, которые были офицерами полиции и пожарной службы... Рассмотрение исключения из собеседования... Правительство «Я буду высоко оценивать кадровые кадры военных карьеров в будущем»."