[BREAKING] [Breaking news] It has something to do with roasted sweet potatoes and omikrons. … If you eat a lot, you gain weight and worry about omikron infection.
1 April Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] It has something to do with roasted sweet potatoes and omikrons. … If you eat a lot, you gain weight and worry about omikron infection.
【速報】焼き芋、オミクロンと関係がある。 多量摂取時に太りながらオミクロン感染の恐れ
[快讯] 烤地瓜和五味饼干有关。 大量摄取会发胖,担心感染奥米克龙
Это связано с гунгогумой и омикроном. …Если есть большое количество, то жирнее и заражен омикроном.
「[Breaking news] It has something to do with roasted sweet potatoes and omikrons. … If you eat a lot, you gain weight and worry about omikron infection.」
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