[BREAKING] [Breaking news] An accounting firm, a female executive who smokes, returns to e-cigarettes at the beginning of the year... The people of the beginning of the year are going crazy.
1 April Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] An accounting firm, a female executive who smokes, returns to e-cigarettes at the beginning of the year... The people of the beginning of the year are going crazy.
【速報】某会計法人、タバコ吸う女常務の年始から電子タバコで華麗な帰還… ●年明け派ら大騒ぎ
[速报] 某会计法人,抽烟的女常务从年初用电子烟华丽回归... 烟草派闹翻天
[Скорость] Одна бухгалтерская фирма, сигаретная сигарета, возвращается с начала года к электронным сигаретам... Перевернуть ветви в начале года