[BREAKING] Breaking News: Jeong Ja-dong Ryu Sun-young (42), a strong candidate for the championship, defeated Jeong Ja-dong Park Eun-jung (37) by 5,000cc and achieved a new record of 12,500cc. It is a record of 25 bottles of beer on the market. Park Eun Jeong (37), who came in second, said a word & if soju was my favorite, I would definitely be first. Let's make it soju next year!"
1 April Share
[BREAKING] Breaking News: Jeong Ja-dong Ryu Sun-young (42), a strong candidate for the championship, defeated Jeong Ja-dong Park Eun-jung (37) by 5,000cc and achieved a new record of 12,500cc. It is a record of 25 bottles of beer on the market. Park Eun Jeong (37), who came in second, said a word & if soju was my favorite, I would definitely be first. Let's make it soju next year!"
Победитель чемпионата мира по хоккею с шайбой Лю Сунь Янг (42) победил победителя, победив победителя чемпионата Пак Чон Чон Чон Чон Чон Чон Чон Чон Чон Чон Чон Чон Чон Чон Чон Чон Чон Чон Чон Чон К сожалению, если бы я был вторым кандидатом от Пак Кын Хе (37), я бы, конечно, был первым. Давайте сделаем соджу в следующем году!!"
「Breaking News: Jeong Ja-dong Ryu Sun-young (42), a strong candidate for the championship, defeated Jeong Ja-dong Park Eun-jung (37) by 5,000cc and achieved a new record of 12,500cc. It is a record of 25 bottles of beer on the market. Park Eun Jeong (37), who came in second, said a word & if soju was my favorite, I would definitely be first. Let's make it soju next year!"」
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