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[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Logan Co., Ltd. seized 50 billion won in company funds, embezzled secretary Lee Jang-hoon, and searched by prosecutors.

1 April Share

[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Logan Co., Ltd. seized 50 billion won in company funds, embezzled secretary Lee Jang-hoon, and searched by prosecutors.



[Быстрый] (основной) корпоративный фонд Логана 50 миллиардов долларов США, захвативших прокуратуру за растрату секретариата.

[속보] (주)로건 회사자금 500억 “이장훈”비서 횡령으로 검찰압수수색 [More News]

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「[Breaking News] Logan Co., Ltd. seized 50 billion won in company funds, embezzled secretary Lee Jang-hoon, and searched by prosecutors.」

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