[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Ex-Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education's former head of education and training, scandal over bribery charges... commencement of disciplinary committee
1 April Share
[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Ex-Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education's former head of education and training, scandal over bribery charges... commencement of disciplinary committee
[単独]元ソウル特別市教育庁教育研修院長賄賂疑惑波紋… 懲戒委員会着手
【单独】前首尔特别市教育厅教育研修院院长受贿嫌疑风波... 着手惩戒委员会
[Только] Бывший руководитель Центра образования Сеула по взяточничеству... Начало дисциплинарного комитета
「[Exclusive] Ex-Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education's former head of education and training, scandal over bribery charges... commencement of disciplinary committee」