[BREAKING] [Breaking news] North Korea launched a nuclear warhead missile around 20:06 p.m. today. The Joint Chiefs of Staff, which will fall to the border area near Ansan and Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province, is expected to evacuate right now."
1 April Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] North Korea launched a nuclear warhead missile around 20:06 p.m. today. The Joint Chiefs of Staff, which will fall to the border area near Ansan and Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province, is expected to evacuate right now."
Северная Корея запустила ядерную боеголовку около 20:06 сегодня. Объединенный штаб-квартира начальника штаба, "будет падать в приграничной зоне недалеко от Ансан и Марса, сейчас же требуется убежище."