[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The danger of a meteorite collision with a diameter of 30 meters is critical at midnight on April 2nd. To the reality of the end of the world?
1 April Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The danger of a meteorite collision with a diameter of 30 meters is critical at midnight on April 2nd. To the reality of the end of the world?
【速報】直径30メートルの隕石衝突の危険、4月2日深夜12時が峠。 地球滅亡が現実に?
[速报] 直径30米的陨石碰撞危险 4月2日午夜是关键... 地球灭亡变成现实?
Риск столкновения метеорита диаметром 30 метров, полночь 2 апреля. В реальность разрушения Земли?
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