[BREAKING] [Overall] English Premier League Korean football player A was arrested on suspicion of drugs. Police are afraid to flee. In case of arrest investigation...
2 April Share
[BREAKING] [Overall] English Premier League Korean football player A was arrested on suspicion of drugs. Police are afraid to flee. In case of arrest investigation...
イングランド·プレミアリーグの韓国サッカー選手A氏の麻薬容疑で逮捕。 警察逃亡憂慮拘束捜査実施…
[综合] 英超韩国足球选手A某因涉嫌吸毒被捕。 警方担心逃跑,实施拘留调查
Арест корейского футболиста английской Премьер-лиги А по подозрению в наркотиках. Расследование по поводу бегства полиции...