[BREAKING] [Breaking News] North Korean supreme commander Kim Jong Un died of myocardial infarction at 15:30 p.m. today. What will happen to the two Koreas in the future? / SBS
3 April Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] North Korean supreme commander Kim Jong Un died of myocardial infarction at 15:30 p.m. today. What will happen to the two Koreas in the future? / SBS
【速報】北朝鮮内最高司令官の金正恩(キム·ジョンウン)氏、本日午後15時30分に心筋梗塞で死去。 --今後、南北の状況は? / SBS
朝鲜最高司令官金正恩,今天下午15点30分因心肌梗塞去世。 今后南北韩的情况如何? / SBS
Ким Чен ын, верховный командующий Северной Кореей, умер сегодня в 15:30 от сердечного приступа. В будущем ситуация между двумя Кореями? / SBS
「[Breaking News] North Korean supreme commander Kim Jong Un died of myocardial infarction at 15:30 p.m. today. What will happen to the two Koreas in the future? / SBS」
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