[BREAKING] [Breaking news] [Emergency news] NASA issued an emergency evacuation order... “A meteorite with a diameter of 2km near France will fall around April 25, and the estimated damage will be 2,300 times that of the Hiroshima atomic bomb."
3 April Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] [Emergency news] NASA issued an emergency evacuation order... “A meteorite with a diameter of 2km near France will fall around April 25, and the estimated damage will be 2,300 times that of the Hiroshima atomic bomb."
[Скорость] [Скорость] "NASA "Приказ об экстренной эвакуации со Стороны NASA. "25 апреля метеорит, диаметром около 2 км, упадет около Франции, ожидаемый ущерб в 2300 раз больше атомной бомбы Хиросимы."
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