[BREAKING] [Exclusive] "If the Baekseok Foundation goes bankrupt, three schools, including Baekseokdae, will be closed." What do I do with the students?
4 April Share
[BREAKING] [Exclusive] "If the Baekseok Foundation goes bankrupt, three schools, including Baekseokdae, will be closed." What do I do with the students?
白石財団破産時、白石台など3校が廃校… 生徒たちはどうしよう
[单独] "白石财团破产时,白石大学等3所废校"… 学生们怎么办
[Только] "В случае банкротства Фонда Белого камня, три закрытых школы, включая Белый камень и т.д."... Что с учениками?
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