[BREAKING] [Breaking news] You haven't played April Fool's Day yet? It's okay! A special event for MBC News! Try to fool people in seven days after April Fool's Day! If you succeed, there's a special message waiting for you! Then, fighting!
4 April Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] You haven't played April Fool's Day yet? It's okay! A special event for MBC News! Try to fool people in seven days after April Fool's Day! If you succeed, there's a special message waiting for you! Then, fighting!
Вы говорите, что еще не сыграли в игру? Все в порядке! Специальное мероприятие mbc news! Обманывайте людей через 7 дней после Мансу! Если вы преуспеете, то вас ждет специальный посланник! Тогда хватайся!