[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Professional baseball, giving up the Doosan regular league? Doosan will give up all games! Coach Kim Tae-hyung said, "Our team has taken a lot of medicine. We are not qualified. Get rid of professional baseball!"
10 April Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Professional baseball, giving up the Doosan regular league? Doosan will give up all games! Coach Kim Tae-hyung said, "Our team has taken a lot of medicine. We are not qualified. Get rid of professional baseball!"
Отказ от регулярной лиги Дусана в профессиональной бейсболе? Объявление об отказе от всех игр перед Дусаном! Тренер Ким Тхэ Хён сказал: «Наша команда помыла. У нас нет квалификации. Уберите меня из профессионального бейсбола!"