[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Son X-hyuk's eyes suddenly deteriorated and in severe cases, he lost his sight when he saw Son X-hyuk on his way to a large mart to buy goods. Therefore, the voice of responsibility for Son X-hyuk is growing.
18 April Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Son X-hyuk's eyes suddenly deteriorated and in severe cases, he lost his sight when he saw Son X-hyuk on his way to a large mart to buy goods. Therefore, the voice of responsibility for Son X-hyuk is growing.
В случае, если дети, которые видели Сон* Hyuk во время поездки в большой магазин, внезапно ухудшились зрение и даже стали слепыми. Вот почему голос ответственности за Сон* Hyuk растет.
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