[BREAKING] [Breaking news] This is breaking news. Jang Joo-ye and Yang Song-joo are working together to hack the news. And the advertisement poster, pretending to be pretty, became a controversy right in the village. The number of subscribers is also falling. Jang Joo-ye and Yang Song-ju will have all their accounts suspended immediately.
8 May Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] This is breaking news. Jang Joo-ye and Yang Song-joo are working together to hack the news. And the advertisement poster, pretending to be pretty, became a controversy right in the village. The number of subscribers is also falling. Jang Joo-ye and Yang Song-ju will have all their accounts suspended immediately.
[Скорость] Скоростное сообщение. Чжан Чжу Йе и Ян Сонг Чжу объединились, чтобы взломали новости. И вскоре после этого в деревне стали обсуждаться рекламные плакаты, притворяющиеся красивыми. Число подписчиков также падает. Чжан Чжу Йе и Ян Сонг Чжу сразу же прекратят все аккаунты.