[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The rate of transmission, which had been lowered due to the outbreak of Quack virus and new mutations, is rising again. The mutation is called Delta Omicron Stalls + Quack Quack Virus. In addition, the fatality rate has increased, and the number of severely ill patients is increasing. Countries have entered the emergency system, and research is underway to see if the existing Quack virus vaccine works, but it is questionable.
14 May Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The rate of transmission, which had been lowered due to the outbreak of Quack virus and new mutations, is rising again. The mutation is called Delta Omicron Stalls + Quack Quack Virus. In addition, the fatality rate has increased, and the number of severely ill patients is increasing. Countries have entered the emergency system, and research is underway to see if the existing Quack virus vaccine works, but it is questionable.
[Скорость] Скорость распространения вирусов, новых видов, снова повышается. Название мутанта — дельта омикроновая стальса — вирус кектак. Кроме того, увеличивается смертность, увеличивается число пациентов с тяжелыми заболеваниями. Каждая страна вступила в чрезвычайную систему, и исследования показывают, работает ли существующая вакцина против вируса кекта, но сомнительны.