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[BREAKING] [Breaking news] A robber broke into an academy around 4 p.m. today and had a physical fight with his mother Sun stabbed the robber with a carrot and killed the robber

23 May Share

[BREAKING] [Breaking news] A robber broke into an academy around 4 p.m. today and had a physical fight with his mother Sun stabbed the robber with a carrot and killed the robber

[速報]今日の午後4時頃、ある塾に強盗が入ってソン某氏ともみ合う。 ソン某氏がニンジンで強盗を刺して強盗を殺害

[速报] 今天下午4点左右,某补习班遭遇强盗,与宣某发生肢体冲突。 宣某用胡萝卜刺向强盗,杀害强盗。

Сегодня примерно в 4 часа дня в академии был взят грабитель, который дрался с Шэньмо. Господин Шэньмо убил грабителя с помощью морковь.

[속보] 오늘 오후 4시경 한 학원에 강도가 들어 선모씨와 몸싸움을 하다 선모씨가 당근으로 강도를 찔러 강도를 살해 [More News]

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