[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Breaking news There was a 10-magnitude earthquake in Seoul around 6 o'clock today. All the buildings in Seoul were broken and some of the land was cracked. Currently, earthquake damage is being repaired, and subway services are temporarily suspended. The government says it will quickly recover from the earthquake.
3 June Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Breaking news There was a 10-magnitude earthquake in Seoul around 6 o'clock today. All the buildings in Seoul were broken and some of the land was cracked. Currently, earthquake damage is being repaired, and subway services are temporarily suspended. The government says it will quickly recover from the earthquake.
[Скорость] Скоростная информация Сегодня в Сеуле произошло землетрясение магнитудой 10. Здания в Сеуле были разбиты, а в некоторых местах земля раскололась. В настоящее время мы ремонтируем ущерб от землетрясения, и движение метро также временно приостановлено. Правительство говорит, что быстро восстановит ущерб от землетрясения.