[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Mr. Na hit the back of Mr. Na's head, who was going home after fighting each other hard during an online game with Mr. Na, who was arrested, and Mr. Na is now dead.
8 June Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Mr. Na hit the back of Mr. Na's head, who was going home after fighting each other hard during an online game with Mr. Na, who was arrested, and Mr. Na is now dead.
В онлайн-играх с мистером Киммо в Бучхоне Киммо и мистером Намо, который ехал домой после жестокой борьбы друг с другом, Киммо ударил по спине, и сейчас он умер.
「[Breaking news] Mr. Na hit the back of Mr. Na's head, who was going home after fighting each other hard during an online game with Mr. Na, who was arrested, and Mr. Na is now dead.」
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